Rough Butt Creek Falls is a pleasant, fairly easy hike to a picturesque, lesser-known waterfall. We started out along Ruff Butt Road through the community. You’ll pass driveways to several houses. Stay on a the rougher dirt road, soon the rocky road reaches a ford of Caney Fork. Take it wide near the left side and drive across the creek andg carefully up the embankment on the other side. Once on the other side, turn left and keep following the dirt road on uphill. You’re now in Nantahala National Forest, following FS 4669.
Technically, the road is open to ORVs, but you’re highly unlikely to encounter anyone driving this road due to the difficult nature. As the road rises above Caney Fork, you’ll pass several views of the Caney Fork gorge.

After crossing Rough Butt Creek at just over a mile look for the side path to Rough Butt Creek Falls, it begins on the other side of the creek (the east side), leaving the forest road on the right. The side path follows an old roadbed parallel to the creek. The path is easily-followed in the winter months. The whole section of the creek between the road and the falls is scenic, numerous cascades and finally Rough Butt Creek Falls. You’ll want to cross the creek for a much nicer view of the falls.
About 30 feet high, Rough Butt Creek Falls is a very scenic cascading falls thats over a shallow, blue lagoon type pool. Be sure to check out the two waterfalls on Buff Creek earlier).

I hear if you walk past the tank traps at the top another mile and a half you’ll find a natural pond, maybe fish?

Simply retrace your path from Rough Butt Creek Falls to Caney Fork Roadto return or there are numerous other waterfalls in the vicinity. Sugar Creek Falls & Upper Sugar Creek Falls, Piney Mountain Falls, Bearwallow Falls, and Moses Creek Falls. Bearwallow Falls and Piney Mountain Falls are off FS 4666.