I credit Gail from the Nantahala Hiking Club group for helping me figure this one out! Basically, to get to the trailhead or Forest Road 7134, head toward Standing Indian campground, when you see the LBJ job corp sign turn right on Patton Road then immediately left after the gas station.
Then take Wayah Bald Road for 11 miles thru the gap at about 10 notice the AT crossing. Keep going another 1.6 miles to 711 Road that veers right. Soon you’ll see Dirty Johns Shooting range on the right – curve left stay on 711 for another 1.4 miles to Sawmill Gap and park on the left near the sign.

About 20 yards up on the opposite side of the road is Forest Road 7134 and it’s not marked, walk in and you’ll see a sharp curve to the right – that’s the Bartram Trail that we will return on. Straight ahead you’ll see a sign for Wine Springs, that’s the trail we will be taking. It’s actually Forest Road 7134 blazed with diamond orange, follow for about 2 miles to an uphill right at a post sign with orange rectangle blazes. Take that uphill right, that is trail #631 follow for about 1 mile to open meadow on the right, hug the left side and notice on the very left are orange blazes – that’s not the way we will go. Look a tad right of that for a small trail that soon turns more defined it’s an old road bed, follow that to a trail junction.

Be very careful and as you come into this junction turn right on 631. Look behind you and notice the trail you came in on and that you are actually going right. Follow 631 to your next right on the white blazed AT.

You’ll see a sign for Water – spring on your right lose by to refill your drinking water!

Then right on Bartram trail to return.

The rest of the way down to sawmill gap enjoy the views. It’s easy from here out as it’s mostly downhill!

Total Hike Distance: 5.8 miles Rating: Easy to Moderate, Elevation: 800′.