Location: Fellsmere
With vast open grassy forests of Long Leaf Pines with miles of trails you can refer to the sign for the color trails. We did 6 mi of the Green Trail, next trip the Yellow maybe!
We drove west thru Felsmere and had an amazing view of time gone by. It was like going back in time! We finally made it to the park entrance and were the only car parked at the welcome center (we later found it was closed).

We donned our packs and sipped some water as we headed out into the pines and live oaks offering us shade on the well defined trail.

It was a crisp morning about 58 degrees and the sky was blue. We walked a few miles and started to see animals in the distance, they weren’t really animals, they we our expectations of animals. We saw a great owl on top of a broken tree, a giant fox in the distant field, and heard the hooded woodpecker in the distance!

After a few miles we saw a sign to divert to a trail called Turkey Loop, we decided to save that for our next trip and proceeded. We saw the remnants of wild boar activity, they tore up our path to such an extent it became hard to walk on. We continued on the uneven and rutted path to the high tension power lines turning precisely at the well marked (and cut) arrows that pointed us in the correct direction.

Yellow Trail 9.7 miles Red Trail 14 Miles Blue Trail 10 Miles Green Trail 9 miles
After we finished our lunch we headed back thru Fellsmere to hike the new bridge trail that crosses interstate 95.

At the very west end of the Trail we found a path that led to this:

Intrigued, we followed paths that led from one gigantic game to another!

It turned out to be a 3 mile course that runs on trails called the Florida Tech Challenge Course. It’s a military spec Marine Obstacle Course, Air Assault Course, and some additional challenges along the way.
It’s a must see if you’re in the area!